Monday, 14 October 2013

fashion : ombre fever


not sure if i'm the only one yg naek gila dgn brg-brg ombre.but seriously ladies! first time tgk org pakai jeans ombre terus rase mcm nk pitam.lawa sgt.and the colours juz so perfect!

eh jap jap.ombre tu ape?
ombre means multicolored stripes (dark to light)
bole tgk pic kt bwh ni.

cantik kn?
some people prefer ombre colours for different purpose.
hairstyle maybe?

i think it's kinda cool  haha.can you imagine waking up everyday with cool ombre hair?
then for sure mak and makcik makcik will bring penyapu nk tibai kepala kita hehehe.
juz for fun people.tadak la ely nk gi letak ombre colour kt rambut.kan ke hitam itu  menawan hahaha tetiba

ombre nail arts?
i really love 'usha-usha' nail arts (walaupun xbole pakai all the times obviously)
yg paling kebobom wow cantik sgt bile nail art ombre colour.very the lawa i tell you!



rase nk gigit sgt! cantik sgt especially pink and blue combination.
utk muslim ladies mcm ely ni bole pakai 'time tertentu' aje lah.unless awk jenis x kesah nk remove and pakai balek 5 times a day hahaha

ombre foods?
as you know klu dh nama trend sume benda nk apply.xkesah la makanan skali pun.
yg biasa kite jumpe ombre cake yg nampak yummilicious sgt.


oh wait! pic cake kt ats tu bukan ely yg aje hehe.
tapi ely pernah buat skali ombre kek.
nnti ely update kt entry laen skali dgn resepi insyAllah :)

ombre dress?
omagad yg ni sumpah lawa.teringin nk ada dress ombre colour.
beli?mmg x will cost you like everything sobss

klu ely x dress liyana jasmay pun ombre colour.
cantik sgt dress kawen dia.
tgk byk2 kali pun still rasa lawaaa :)


bole x nk ni utk wedding dress sendiri?hehe (berangan la kn)

for casual looks korang still ade choices utk pakai jeans,skirt or blouse ombre.
actually dh ramai jugak org jual brg2 ombre ni.
but mostly kt instagram.
utk yg xpernah tgk meh ely tunjuk sket hehe

ombre jeans~

ombre shirts~

ombre skirt~



cantik kn?
that's why ely ckp skng mmg musim org demam ombre.
entah sape entah yg start create benda ni.creative sgt!
skng korang pun mesti jatuh cinta skali kn ngn brg2 ombre ni? hehe i know :)
but the good news is... we can make our own ombre jeans,shirts or skirts.
saba ok.ely akn try share ngn korang kt entry yg laen cmne nk DIY aka buat sendiri ombre jeans / shirts.
actually i tried once or two times.tpi not in mood utk snap pic step by step (experiment kn)
so next time insyAllah :)

ely stop sini dulu yeh.
will update you guys soon :)
doakan yg terbaek utk semua.


-mekasih sudi bace-


  1. Hi..
    Interesting post..
    Farny tak realize pon fesyen
    Serius cantik.. Especially tang baju and seluar tue..

    1. hi farny! cantek kn?bole la ber'ombre' pasni hehe

  2. Cntik la! Mai xpenah tau pn term ni..mai xda pn bju cm ni tp tdung ada...btw, nape xda butang follow dear?

    1. alamak lupe letak hehe.naseb baek ckp.thnx yeh jln2 sini :)


thnx :)